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Sinner's Prayer:

Follow these 4 easy steps to a life of tranquility and bliss:

1. Acknowledge the actuality of your transgression. (Romans 4:23)

2. Trust and accept as true that the Heavenly Father’s son covered the costs for all of our wrongdoing. (Romans 6:23)

3. Admit your transgression and own up to the fact that the Messiah is the head deity in your life. (Romans 10:9-13)

4. Read the Sinner's Prayer. (John 3:15-17)

Right now, find a place where you will not be interrupted and yield your mind, will and emotions to the following communication with God:


Heavenly Father,

I come to you in prayer asking for you Lord intentionally and voluntarily change in feelings and attitude regarding all of my offenses and transgressions. I confess with my mouth and believe with my heart that Jesus is your Son, and that He died on the Cross at Calvary that I might be forgiven and have Eternal Life in the Kingdom of Heaven. Father, I accept as true that your son came back to life and was raised to heaven and with that same power of rescurrection I ask that you would come into me to be my one and only God and redeemer.  I  feel sorry for all of my transgressions and will exalt you for the rest of my existence.-In Jesus Name Amen

Well done!!! Please express your desire to communicate with the Lord and bring any inquiries to Niama Perrotte Ministries because there are many at your point right now. Lord we exalt you and friend we receive you and your family relations!!!

We express happiness to you for the glorious thing that has happened and to the young sheep of Lord who has bestowed kindness to us!


Daily Existence After The Transgressor's Communication With God

New Very Tall plant with a stem of wood In the patch:

As a new child of God and one named after Jesus, you must immerse yourself in the Gospel of truth. Niama Perrotte Ministries believes that you should find a daily reading plan if you have never read the bible.  Turn over your mind to the bible and read each chapter and section unhurriedly (bit by bit). Remember you are a new plant in a patch and are more susceptible to death when you are younger.  You must soak in the tears. This is like a new anointing, the devil will attempt to pull up (take out the roots on ) your new religion based on ideas of Jesus.  If you are not studying the good news receiving Hâ‚‚O, you can pass away (give up the ghost) morally (mentally).  A stronger plant is one that has a large bark and many small plants on it and around it.  It has high-quality sustenance and can possibly be cut down with an axe. The only right sustenance that will help you to mature with the Messiah, as foretold by the prophets of the Hebrew Scripture is Lord's Bible. So, begin interpreting now!

Go to a building for public and especially Christian worship: You will need to go to a religious institution in your area that respects Jesus Christ and instructs you in the canonical collection of texts considered sacred in Judaism and Christianity.  Make a request to your spiritual parent, to find the right devout dwelling for you, then join a ministry in the church to help out(servitude) (Psalm 122:1).  Niama Perrotte Ministries is not a church but has a list of churches to advise you along in the right direction after this important decision.  Once you are settled, pray about become a partner in our ministry to see souls saved through the power of God just through reading this message on the internet.  I pray that others and you would be excited about a relationship with Jesus Christ.  That this relationship would be more exciting than anything else that they or you would try to replace the void in your satisfaction with. 

Tithes: After you have established yourself in your new religious institution dwelling, you submit 10% of your total earnings to your new religious institution.(God) If you are desiring to sow your tithes into this ministry before you find your church, you are sowing into a priest so you will be blessed too.  This is called a tithe. Tithing is a directive from the Lord. Ten percent of your total earnings: before utility bills belongs to the Lord. Do not amuse yourself with the Lord, because he will find out your intentions regardless of what direction you try to go in. I, Niama Perrotte, am an ordained minister and know not taking the Lord seriously causes you to start a whole bunch of tasks but not see any of them come to fruition.  It is not attractive.  Don’t mess with the Lord.  Keep in mind, the Lord is a devoted supernatural being, and number one…we must comply with and act upon the instructions given. We must be subservient to him. Hey, its only 10% of your earnings, have confidence in me it is important. (Malachi 3: 8-12)

Friendship/Share the gospel: You will begin to come across (bumo into) up-to-the-minute allies (pals or buddies) that will contribute their own witness and to assist you to grow in loyalty (devotion). IT'S A MAGNIFICENT FEELING! (1 JOHN 1:3). Then, the Spirit from God that dwells in your mind will help you to communicate with those you are connected to you and new unfamiliar people about your new eye-opener in your daily existence. I have to remember too to tell others what Jesus has done for me, and how I comprehend this and its significance to me. (Matthew 10:32)


Agnus Dei, Benedicite, Gloria,!.................... Introit TO THE GREAT LAMB OF GOD!


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